Welcome to Reclaiming Faith!
Fellow travelers, may you find rest.
Fellow artists, may you find inspiration.
As I have travelled this road of faith reclamation, I have collected thought mementos along the way. Reminders of pitfalls and successes alike. I've carved out this digital space to share those with you, in the hopes of easing your own journey.
While you're here, you can learn more about me, discover the joys of spiritual direction, check out my book, and sign up for my newsletter.
If you don't already follow me on social media @reclaimingyourfaith, that's another place that will hopefully bring rest and inspiration to your scrolling throughout the week.
As always, this content is free to those who need it. But should you be interested in further supporting my writing, there is also a paid subscriber option to my newsletter. This is a tangible way that you can invest in both of our journeys, and I relish the opportunity to communicate with you even more frequently, should that option interest you.
But this welcome has perhaps outstayed its welcome.
All of that to say, I suppose, thank you for being here.
Trent Clifford

Continue Your Journey
ReWriting Faith
Spiritual Direction
Do you like the idea of regularly receiving:
Reimagined Bible stories
Meaningful spiritual practices
Encouragement for your own reclamation journey
Poems ripped from the pages of my own journal?
Then sign up for my newsletter, ReWriting Faith!
Spiritual direction is the opportunity to companion someone through their own spiritual journey, guide them into deeper spiritual practice and reflection, and bear witness to their own truth more fully emerging.
My job is to see you, and more importantly, to see God in you. You have the wisdom and the ability within you already, but it is my privilege through spiritual direction to bear witness to your power, as we journey together toward the fullness of who God made you to be.
Current Projects
Plates and Parables
A supper club for lovers of creativity, artists of all kinds, and the spiritually curious. If you're local to the Waco area, click here to learn more and to claim your spot at our next event!
Embodied - April 5, 9am-4pm -
Seventh and James Baptist Church
Learn to engage with marginalized traumas to improve ministry and practice. Discover more and get tickets here.
More Dates Coming Soon...
Interested in having me speak to your congregation or organization? Let's get in touch!

"Imagination is the voice of daring. If there is anything godlike about God, it is that. He dared to imagine everything."
-Henry Miller